Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Little Family:
Robert, Fipe, Tristan, Trevor, Tevita, Alanna, Teancum, Serena and Robbie bear.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monday, October 18, 2010

Teancum Robert Riley

After a long summer of bedrest, preterm labor, high blood pressure and then him being overdue Teancum Robert Riley was born on September 21st.  Like all of his brothers he had to be born after a relatives birthday.  Teancume was 7lbs 7oz and 19 3/4 inches long. 

Tevita (2) took right to him.  He knew exactly who he was when he walked into the hospital room.  He was excited to see him and even more excited to have someone take a picture of him with his new brother.  Apparently we all were taking pictures to slowly for him so he decided to become our photographer.  He was even trying to stage photos.  He loves his brother very much.  Tristan (10) and Trevor (7) both love Teancum too.  They enjoy holding him.  Alanna(1)  took a little bit to warm up to Teancum but loves him now.  Alanna and her cousin think that Teancum is the coolest baby doll they have ever seen.

Teancum is such a good baby.  He sleeps well and is very calm.  How he can be so calm in our crazy house is a miricale.  Teancum loves to watch people and things. He is very alert.  As everyone can see Teancum looks like his dad.  He is for sure a Higginbotham.  Teancum has the biggest feet.  They had a hard time fitting them on the birth certificate.  Teancum also has long fingers which will be helpful when he goes to play piano.  Teancum is growing fast and we will keep you updated on him and all his siblings.

First day of School

I can't believe that the school year has already come.  These are the pictures from the boys first day of school.  Tristan is already in middle school and loving every minute of it.  Trevor is in secong grade and as always doing well.  Trevor was happy to hear that two of his best friends were in his class.  They haven't cause too much problems being together.  GO SHAMROCKS!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our new baby

We're having a boy!!!! Now all we need is a name for him. It is hard to come up with an unsual name that start with the letter "T". And for those who might want to send us suggestion, and we encourage that. We have already said no to the following names, Teapot, Tuna, Talapia, Taco, Thaddeous, Tipton. We are trying not to name him after food. At the rate we are going we are going to end up naming him T because we can't come up with a good name.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tristan earned his Webelos last week. He was able to recieve it last Saturday. Congrats Tristan on a job well done. Now onward to the arrow of light. Tristan worked really hard to earn his webelos.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Congrats Robert!

We were able to go to the Honors Convocation last night to honor Rob for his accomplishments. It was good for the boys to see what hard work and dedication can get you. Rob earned Cum Laude. We are all very proud of his accomplishment and so should he. Congratulations Robert on a job well done.