Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our new baby

We're having a boy!!!! Now all we need is a name for him. It is hard to come up with an unsual name that start with the letter "T". And for those who might want to send us suggestion, and we encourage that. We have already said no to the following names, Teapot, Tuna, Talapia, Taco, Thaddeous, Tipton. We are trying not to name him after food. At the rate we are going we are going to end up naming him T because we can't come up with a good name.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tristan earned his Webelos last week. He was able to recieve it last Saturday. Congrats Tristan on a job well done. Now onward to the arrow of light. Tristan worked really hard to earn his webelos.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Congrats Robert!

We were able to go to the Honors Convocation last night to honor Rob for his accomplishments. It was good for the boys to see what hard work and dedication can get you. Rob earned Cum Laude. We are all very proud of his accomplishment and so should he. Congratulations Robert on a job well done.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The ever growing Higginbotham Family.

Finally decided to make a blog for the family. I am not very good at keeping up on things like this but will try. Rob and I got married 3 years ago and lots have happened since then. We started with Tristan (10) and Trevor (7). We had Tevita in 2008. He is a constant joy. He is such a two year old. He repeats everything we say. He is too cute for his own good. Most people describe him as mischievious. That he is. Very smart and sneeky not a good combo. He is very sweet and protective of his sister. We had our princess Alanna in 2009. She is almost one and is such a girl in every way. She has to be with all these boys. Alanna loves to talk. She loves the phone. That is how she gets to talk to her daddy. We are expecting another child in September. We are hoping to find out what the baby is at the end of this month. We think it is a girl but we will see. Tristan is finishing up his fifth grade year. Rocky at moments but you learn a lot from him. Tristan is an overprotective parent when it comes to the two younger children. I will give them something to play with and he will take it away because he is not comfortable with them playing with it. Sometimes we have to remind him that we are the parents but he is a big help with them. Trevor is our over achiever. He is doing excellent in school and just started baseball. He loves his younger siblings. His brother Tevita follows him and Tristan everywhere. Trevor is also a role model for his cousin Johnny who loves him to death. In Johnny's eyes everything Trevor does is funny and cool. Trevor loves to read and write. Two things he gets from grandpa. Rob is always busy. He is working at a credit union and teaching at ITT. Rob is also going to school. We are glad that he graduates this May and finishs all his classes in July. Too bad that is not the end of school. He will start on his Masters in the fall. Rob is always a good example for the boys on providing for the family. I am currently getting my degree. Having a hard time juggling that with all the other things that need to get done. I am always sick with the pregnancy but I am very grateful that this pregnancy is going good so far. Lots have changed in the three years Rob and I have been married but we have loved it all.